Tuesday 9 September 2008

Why I'm not listening to People in Planes

-Part 1

It's the 9th of September, getting towards the end of the day. I had one thing to do: buy Beyond the Horizon, People in Planes' new album. I hurried to Fopp where a friendly guy told me they hadn't ordered any in, but they could if I wanted. I shuffled over to HMV, but it was the same story. I've also now noticed that Amazon UK have none in stock either.

Seriously England, what the hell? This is the kind of lack-lustre effort that makes bands head for distant shores and foreign record labels. If you don't care two bags of chips what's happening in your own music scene, how are innovative bands supposed to survive? This is why you're dancing to the Kooks while Oceansize are brokering deals with German publishers. This is why you don't deserve an advance iTunes release of Mayday (M'aidez). I hope you're happy with yourselves.


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